ShadowSwine54 Wiki

Welcome to the ShadowSwine54 encyclopedia! This wiki is 100% official and run by the YouTube Channel's crew. It is here that we aim to document all characters, episodes, objects, and movies of the series.

If you haven't heard of us, ShadowSwine 54 is a YouTube web series consisting of a mix of "puppet shows" and live-action wrestling. The show began serialization in September 2012 and we continue to air our episodes regularly through unscheduled uploads. The ShadowSwine series consists of two connected main stories, or "wings", alongside various sub-stories and arcs. This wiki acts as our database, it is recommended you check it out if you don't understand an episode or two.

What is this Wiki for?

Like most Wikia websites, the ShadowSwine wiki is an encyclopedia for things related to the YouTube channel. This Wiki also stands as the official ShadowSwine54 website, and is constantly monitored by the staff. In short, ShadowSwine Wiki is a channel news page, online discussion board, and encyclopedia. Enjoy browsing!

Featured Pages

The following are pages selected to be "featured". Features Pages appear in this section to be displayed on the home of the Wiki. They alternate with time and are selected based on popularity of the page's content.

Where to now?

Welcome to ShadowSwine54's official website, and thank you for your contributions. There's a lot to do around here hulksterinos, so I hope you'll stay with us and make many more improvements.

Recent changes is a great first stop, because you can see what pages the crew has been editing, and where you can help. You'll find the newest articles here as well as updates to certain pages. 

Questions, Brother? You can ask at the Hogan Help desk or on the "discussion" page associated with each article, or post a message on our talk page or youtube channel.
